Flutter vs. React Native: Which is Better in 2024 | Backendless

Introduction to iOS App Development and Its Evolution

In the realm of mobile app development, the debate of Flutter vs React Native has been contentious and significant. The question, "Which cross-platform framework should you choose for creating iOS, web and desktop apps?" frequently echoes in the tech corridors. This arises from the increasing need for cross-platform apps, highlighting the importance of comparing React Native and Flutter, two of the leading players in this domain. As you navigate the ever-changing landscape of mobile development, it's vital to stay updated with the latest trends. You'll frequently come across native app development, an approach that has been foundational in shaping iOS apps. But before we dig deeper, let's understand what native apps are.

Native Apps: The Cornerstone of iOS App Development

Native apps are developed explicitly for a specific platform, like iOS. They are written with programming languages accepted by the platform — for iOS, it's Objective-C and Swift. These apps can harness the full power of a device's capabilities and deliver a fast, reliable, and highly responsive user experience.

The key differences between a native app and a web app include their ability to function offline and access native UI components. These elements have placed native apps at the forefront of mobile app development.

However, creating mobile apps for multiple platforms natively can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. It requires you to write native code for each platform, adding complexity to the development process. This is where cross-platform app development steps in.

Cross-Platform Development: A Revolution in App Creation

Cross-platform development frameworks like React Native and Flutter have revolutionized the way we create apps. They enable developers to write code once and run it on multiple platforms — a boon when developing iOS and Android apps simultaneously.

React Native, launched by Facebook, has been a favorite among developers due to its ability to produce native-like performance. The core of React Native apps is JavaScript, a language many developers are already comfortable with. This has positioned React Native as a preferred choice for many.

The Flutter vs React Native Debate: Choosing the Right Framework

The debate between Flutter and React Native is fueled by their distinctive benefits. While React Native offers the familiarity of JavaScript, Flutter, developed by Google, uses the Dart programming language. Although Dart may not be as widespread as JavaScript, it's easy to learn, making the transition smoother for developers.

Both frameworks offer impressive community support, helping developers troubleshoot problems and learn best practices. However, a closer look at each framework, their native elements, performance, and third-party libraries can help you make an informed decision.

React Native - A Detailed Look

React Native has been a strong contender in the realm of cross-platform app development since its inception. One of the primary reasons behind its popularity is the use of JavaScript as the core programming language. Given the ubiquitous nature of JavaScript in web development, most developers find it easy to transition to React Native for mobile app development.

Leveraging JavaScript and Native Code

React Native's unique approach allows developers to write the majority of their code in JavaScript while still delivering native app performance. It achieves this by bridging JavaScript with native code, which leads to the creation of truly native components.

Performance: A Key Advantage

Performance is a significant factor when choosing a framework for iOS app development. When comparing React Native vs Flutter, React Native's performance has often stood out. It produces applications that closely resemble native apps in terms of speed and responsiveness.

Community Support and Documentation

The support of a large and active community is another aspect where React Native shines. Numerous third-party libraries are available to expedite the development process. Moreover, the React Native documentation is comprehensive and well-organized, making it a valuable resource for both novice and experienced React Native developers.

React Native: A Framework for Multiple Platforms

Developing mobile applications for multiple platforms is a breeze with React Native. Its 'learn once, write anywhere' philosophy allows developers to leverage their JavaScript knowledge to create apps for both iOS and Android, significantly reducing development time.

Flutter - An In-depth Examination

While React Native has garnered much attention, Flutter has quickly gained traction in the world of cross-platform app development. Developed by Google, Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which, although not as popular as JavaScript, is straightforward to grasp.

Performance: Speed and More

When it comes to Flutter vs. React Native app performance comparison, Flutter often has an edge. It compiles to native code, leading to fast and predictable performance across iOS and Android platforms. The result is a smooth and responsive user interface that is nearly indistinguishable from a native app

Rich Set of UI Components

Flutter includes a rich set of native UI components right out of the box. This feature allows developers to make flutter apps create beautiful, engaging, and highly interactive applications without the need for third-party libraries.

Growing Community and Documentation

Flutter's community is rapidly growing. More developers are embracing it, leading to an expanding collection of third-party libraries and tools. Also, Flutter's documentation is well-structured, providing developers with all the resources they need to get started with their Flutter projects.

Flutter vs React Native - A Head-to-Head Comparison

As we have explored both React Native and Flutter in detail, let's compare these two prominent frameworks for cross-platform mobile app development. This comparison will help you decide which one is more suitable for your iOS app development project.

Programming Language

React Native uses JavaScript, a language known and loved by many web developers around the world. This familiarity makes it an attractive option for web development teams transitioning into more native mobile apps. On the other hand, Flutter uses Dart, a language that may not be as well-known but has a gentle learning curve and powerful features.


In the Flutter vs React Native performance debate, Flutter usually takes the lead. Since it compiles directly to native machine code, it can offer better performance than React Native, which uses a JavaScript bridge to interact with native elements.

UI Components and Development Experience

React Native combines the best of native development with React, a best-in-class JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It enables you to compose a rich mobile UI from declarative React components. However, Flutter provides a more extensive catalog of pre-designed widgets, allowing for more complex and visually appealing interfaces.

Community and Support

React Native has been around longer and has a larger community and more third-party libraries as a result. However, Flutter's community is growing rapidly and has made significant strides in recent years.

Exploring iOS App Development with React Native Framework

React Native, the brainchild of Facebook, has quickly become a favorite mobile development framework among developers. Its immense popularity lies in the fact that it lets you create truly native apps, unlike the hybrid apps rendered by other cross-platform frameworks.

React Native has a solid reputation for delivering high performance in mobile app development due to its unique approach of rendering using native components. When developing iOS apps, React Native developers find a seamless integrated development environment (IDE), and a versatile framework that uses JavaScript - a programming language most developers are familiar with.

Another enticing aspect of React Native for iOS app development is its efficiency in accessing native features. With React Native, you can integrate with third-party libraries, which allow you to extend the functionality and look of your app to match the native standards.

Choosing Flutter for Superior iOS App Development

Contrary to the React Native project, Flutter, the creation of Google, targets multiple platforms with a single codebase, including iOS. Built with Dart programming language, Flutter introduces a revolutionary take on cross-platform application development.

Flutter gives you a rich set of fully-customizable widgets to create native interfaces in minutes. These native components and the Flutter framework itself deliver a high-quality user interface experience, closely mimicking the native iOS apps.

One defining feature that sets Flutter apart is its rendering engine. While React Native leverages the components of the host platform, Flutter carries its own rendering engine, providing an excellent platform for a consistent UI and UX across multiple platforms. The efficiency of this engine promotes fast, beautiful, and customizable designs across different operating systems.

Making the Choice: React Native vs Flutter for Optimal iOS App Development

Choosing the right framework for iOS app development can be a daunting task, as it depends on a variety of factors. These factors include the development team's expertise, project requirements, timelines, and target platforms.

The React Native framework is a great choice if your team is already comfortable with JavaScript and aims for quicker market entry with the support of a vast community. On the other hand, Flutter, with its own rendering engine and widget-based approach, promises a high-quality user interface that adheres closely to native app development.

Lastly, remember the mobile development framework you choose impacts your app's performance, speed, and UI consistency across mobile platforms. As you explore cross-platform development further, weigh the strengths and weaknesses of React Native vs Flutter in the context of your project's unique needs. Remember, the aim is not just to create apps, but to create successful apps that meet user expectations.

React Native for Android App Development

When it comes to Android app development, React Native stands out for several reasons. Its core principle of “Learn once, write anywhere” allows developers to reuse code across multiple platforms, making it an efficient cross-platform development framework.

Advantages of Using React Native for Android

  • Broad Community Support:One of the key benefits of React Native is its extensive community support. The React Native developers community actively contributes to its enhancement, making it a dynamic mobile development framework.
  • Native Components:React Native offers the ability to create native components. These components are compatible with the native development environment, which can be crucial for optimizing performance and integration.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Compatibility:React Native allows developers to use any text editor or IDE of their choice, granting them flexibility during the development process.
  • Flutter for Android App Development

  • On the other hand, Flutter, powered by the Dart programming language, offers a unique set of benefits for Android app development.
  • The Flutter Advantage for Android

  • Native Performance:Flutter’s apps are compiled using the Dart compiler with the ARM (Android) and JavaScript (Web) architectures. This native compilation results in highly efficient and performance-oriented apps.
  • Customizable UI:Flutter’s customizability extends to Android apps as well. Its unique rendering engine allows developers to create visually appealing and unique UIs on Android platforms.
  • Hot Reload:Like React Native, Flutter also supports the hot reload feature. This feature allows developers to view changes instantly, without losing the current application state, significantly speeding up the development process.
  • The Verdict: React Native or Flutter for Android App Development?

    Much like in the case of iOS, choosing between React Native and Flutter for Android app development depends largely on your project needs and team expertise.

    If you're looking for extensive community support, rapid development, and the possibility to work with native components, React Native is a solid choice. However, if your Android application needs a custom and dynamic UI or if you want to tap into the performance benefits of the Dart language, then Flutter could be the way to go.

    Both React Native and Flutter are powerful tools for creating cross-platform Android apps. Your choice will depend on the specific needs of your project and the expertise of your development team. In the end, it's all about choosing the right tool for the job, and both React Native and Flutter have proven themselves to be capable contenders in the realm of cross-platform mobile development.

    The Verdict: React Native or Flutter for Android App Development?

    Much like in the case of iOS, choosing between React Native and Flutter for Android app development depends largely on your project needs and team expertise.

    If you're looking for extensive community support, rapid development, and the possibility to work with native components, React Native is a solid choice. However, if your Android application needs a custom and dynamic UI or if you want to tap into the performance benefits of the Dart language, then Flutter could be the way to go.

    Both React Native and Flutter are powerful tools for creating cross-platform Android apps. Your choice will depend on the specific needs of your project and the expertise of your development team. In the end, it's all about choosing the right tool for the job, and both React Native and Flutter have proven themselves to be capable contenders in the realm of cross-platform mobile development.